concepts of doing Festival Zeitgenössische Musik 2015
21.08. – 23.08.15, studioboerne45, Börnestr. 45, 13086 Berlin

Ensemble Laboratorium (Patrick Crossland, Posaune / Raphael Camenisch, Saxophon / Jonathan Shapiro, Perkussion) Jennifer Walshe „This Is Why People O.D. On Pills/And Jump From The Golden Gate Bridge“ (2004) Jennifer Walshe „Everything You Own Has Been,Taken To A Depot Somewhere“ (2013), John Zorn „Hockey“ (1978) Dorothea Schürch (Stimme) Dorothea Schürch „leere Stimme“    Daniel Gloger / Sebastian Berweck (Daniel Gloger, Countertenor/ Sebastian Berweck, Klavier, Keyboard, Stimme / Joachim Zoepf, Saxophone, Bassklarinette) Martin Schüttler „Schöner Leben 1“ (2008) Simon Stehen Andersen „Mono (Autotune)“ (2014) Jennifer Walshe “Language Ruins Everything“ (2013) Giacinto Scelsi “Canti del Capricorno No. 7“ (1962-1972) Daniel Gloger / Joachim Zoepf Improvisation    Crossland / Bauer (Johannes Bauer, Posaune / Patrick Crossland, Posaune) Improvisation
Ulher / Schürch / Crossland / Neumann (Dorothea Schürch, Stimme / Patrick Crossland, Posaune / Birgit Ulher, Trompete / Andrea Neumann, Innenklavier, Mischpult) Improvisation   Daniel Gloger / Sebastian Berweck (Daniel Gloger, Countertenor / Sebastian Berweck, Klavier) Michael Maierhof „daily songs 2“ (2008) Jennifer Walshe: moving in/love song/city front garden with old men for voice and piano (2012) Butcher / Gratkowski (John Butcher, Saxophone / Frank Gratkowski, Saxophone, Klarinetten) Improvisation Radu Malfatti (Posaune) Radu Malfatti „claude-lorrain 1“ (2007)

Ensemble Laboratorium (Patrick Crossland, Posaune / Raphael Camenisch, Saxophon / Jonathan Shapiro, Perkussion) Cenk Ergün “The sea is the most comfortable bed“ (2015) UA
Mauricio Kagel „con Voce“ (1972) Will Redman “Book“ (2006)    Hirsch / Bauer / Frangenheim
(Johannes Bauer, Posaune / Shelley Hirsch, Stimme / Alexander Frangenheim, Kontrabass) Improvisation    Jennifer Walshe (Stimme) Jennifer Walshe „The Total Mountain“ (2014)    The Contest of Pleasures (John Butcher, Saxophone / Axel Dörner, Trompete / Xavier Charles, Klarinette) Improvisation


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